4 sept 2011

Entertainment By Sebastián Tibocha

“Bolera Cedritos”
The “Bolera de Cedritos” is an important place for the entertainment in Bogotá. It is located in the Cedritos 151 mall that is located in the “Calle 150 # 16-56”. A lot of people go there because that mall is very important in Cedritos neighborhood . Lots of houses are near that mall, so is very popular and very visited, specially on Fridays, and weekends.
Bowling Front Door

In the bowling, there are six bowling courts, one store, a music place, some tables and comfortable chairs in front of the bowling courts. The bowling have a good service, the employees are very aware of their clients and help them when they need. The bowling courts have some technical problems sometimes because they are old, but the employees know how to fix them very well.
Bowling Courts
Some people playing bowling

The Sunday September 4, when I went to the "Bolera Cedritos", some people were playing and all the courts where occuped because the weekends are the most visited days.

"Monumento a los Heroes"

This place is located in the 80 with "autopista" in front to de transmilenio of " Los heroes ". This monument is as big as an apartment of four or five floors. This big monument was created in memory of people  (soldiers) that fought for the independence of Colombia.

The artitect of this monument was an Italian: Vico Consorti.

The monumet was created in marble and also has four views.
In the front of the monument you can see a statue of Simon Bolivar in a horse. Bolivar also is important for help in the independence of Colombia.

The left view.

The back view.

The right view.

3 sept 2011

Libraries By Mario López

"Biblioteca Julio Mario Santo Domingo"

This library is located in Av. Cll. 170 No 67-51, near our school.

As the library is very well located, about 500 people come to the library each day but it depends on the activity that will be. The library is also used to present concerts, workshops of different topics, guided visits, etc.

I interviewed Antonio Forero, a man who works in the library:
Initially, he told me about the architect of the library, Daniel Bermudez. He told me that the arquitect built the library last year, the most important characteriscs are that is very well lit and it receives natural air.
He told me that the Library works every day in the week except holidays, also that the personal the library has is about 70people. It is divided into 5 rooms: “Sala General”, “Sala Infantil”, “Sala Bogotá”, “Sala de Videoteca y Sonoteca”, “Sala de Internet y Multimedia”, and “Sala de Capacitación”.

The library has about 50 computers with internet each and anyone can use it for free and about 20 televisions were you can see a movie.

You can borrow books or movies, the loan depends on the type of book you choose, usually the loan is for a week, but you can renew it by internet or in the library for another week more, one goal of the library is to own 36.000books. Besides, you can also borrow a movie, the time of the loan depends on the type of movie.

As the library is well located, about 500 people come to the library each day but it also depends on the activity that will be. The library is also used to present concerts, workshops of different topics, guided visits, etc.

 The library has some location signs for you to know in which part of the library you are.

The library has emergency signs.
The library has also has a huge parking lot.

The library has good security everywhere.