16 nov 2011

"teatro Mayor"

The "teatro Mayor" is located in the library Julio Mario Santo Domingo, in the section were the walls not are gray but like red or orange. This theather was creater was created in may of 2010.

This teather has the capacity of 1,3000 persons and was builded for present for people opera, concerts and also to show people dancing. The theather also is divided in three sections: Platea, Balcon 1, and Balcon 2. This chairs are so close to the artists of the show and the most farther chair is at 28 meters of the scaffold. It has a really good sound and it's also new. For the artists they also have a comfortable spaces at the end of the show that are five dressing rooms. And a really good idea of this theather was that the scaffold can move up and down.

The theater also have a really good idea and was to create a teather studio that is a small theater with the capacity of 340 persons. The advantage of this little theater is that there are detachable chairs so the artist can move they were ever they want in that little teather.

Some shows that come to the teather:

17 oct 2011

Bogotá’s Gold museum

Bogotá’s Gold museum

Bogotá’s gold museum ´has been working since 1939, it’s located in “Calle 16 con carrera 6ª” in Bogotá, Colombia. The Museum has about thirty-four thousand pieces in gold and tumbaga (this is the name of the alloy between gold and copper), about twenty-five thousand pieces in pottery, stone, shell, bone and textiles. The museum show pieces of different Indian cultures: Calima, Muisca, Nariño, Quimbaya, Zenú, Tairona, San Agustín, Tierradentro, Tolima, and others.

The museum make some temporary exhibitions everywhere in the world, spreading the Colombian cultures though there are some pieces preserved in Bogotá’s site and won`t leave because of its importance as the “Balsa Muisca” and the “Poporo Quimbaya” (this are two gold pieces that are very important because of its historical and cultural value).

The Balsa Muisca was found in Pasca, it represents the ceremony of the Offering in Guatavita’s Laguna. In this region was created Dorado’s Legend because of the great production of gold pieces and the ceremonies and rites.

In the museum there are five exhibition rooms:

Working of metals: are described the techniques of mining and manufacture of ancient metallurgy.
People and gold: its shows the use of metals.

Cosmology and symbolism: It shows the mythic topics, the shamanism and the zymology of metals.

The offering: a room that shows the ancient Indian ceremony of the offering.

The Exploratorium: it’s a room that shows what the museum preserve and its importance.

Every day lots of foreign people go to visit the museum so the museum staff has some translator people and the texts are in both languages (Spanish and English).

The museum has good security, every night the museum is very well closed, there are many cameras, and there are many security people around the museum.

The museum has about 2000 staff including cleaning ladies, security people and explaining people (this people explain the different pieces in the museum to people with questions or doubts).

The museum has everywhere signals to go to a fast exit in case of emergency.

4 sept 2011

Entertainment By Sebastián Tibocha

“Bolera Cedritos”
The “Bolera de Cedritos” is an important place for the entertainment in Bogotá. It is located in the Cedritos 151 mall that is located in the “Calle 150 # 16-56”. A lot of people go there because that mall is very important in Cedritos neighborhood . Lots of houses are near that mall, so is very popular and very visited, specially on Fridays, and weekends.
Bowling Front Door

In the bowling, there are six bowling courts, one store, a music place, some tables and comfortable chairs in front of the bowling courts. The bowling have a good service, the employees are very aware of their clients and help them when they need. The bowling courts have some technical problems sometimes because they are old, but the employees know how to fix them very well.
Bowling Courts
Some people playing bowling

The Sunday September 4, when I went to the "Bolera Cedritos", some people were playing and all the courts where occuped because the weekends are the most visited days.

"Monumento a los Heroes"

This place is located in the 80 with "autopista" in front to de transmilenio of " Los heroes ". This monument is as big as an apartment of four or five floors. This big monument was created in memory of people  (soldiers) that fought for the independence of Colombia.

The artitect of this monument was an Italian: Vico Consorti.

The monumet was created in marble and also has four views.
In the front of the monument you can see a statue of Simon Bolivar in a horse. Bolivar also is important for help in the independence of Colombia.

The left view.

The back view.

The right view.

3 sept 2011

Libraries By Mario López

"Biblioteca Julio Mario Santo Domingo"

This library is located in Av. Cll. 170 No 67-51, near our school.

As the library is very well located, about 500 people come to the library each day but it depends on the activity that will be. The library is also used to present concerts, workshops of different topics, guided visits, etc.

I interviewed Antonio Forero, a man who works in the library:
Initially, he told me about the architect of the library, Daniel Bermudez. He told me that the arquitect built the library last year, the most important characteriscs are that is very well lit and it receives natural air.
He told me that the Library works every day in the week except holidays, also that the personal the library has is about 70people. It is divided into 5 rooms: “Sala General”, “Sala Infantil”, “Sala Bogotá”, “Sala de Videoteca y Sonoteca”, “Sala de Internet y Multimedia”, and “Sala de Capacitación”.

The library has about 50 computers with internet each and anyone can use it for free and about 20 televisions were you can see a movie.

You can borrow books or movies, the loan depends on the type of book you choose, usually the loan is for a week, but you can renew it by internet or in the library for another week more, one goal of the library is to own 36.000books. Besides, you can also borrow a movie, the time of the loan depends on the type of movie.

As the library is well located, about 500 people come to the library each day but it also depends on the activity that will be. The library is also used to present concerts, workshops of different topics, guided visits, etc.

 The library has some location signs for you to know in which part of the library you are.

The library has emergency signs.
The library has also has a huge parking lot.

The library has good security everywhere.

28 ago 2011

Churches By Sebastián Tibocha

Sebastian Tibocha:
-Working on: Churches
-Bogotá's History
-Oral Tradition Places
San Juan de Avila’s Church

San Juan de Avila’s Church is a church of Bogotá located in Contador neighborhood. The church have 32 big chairs, 16 in each side, 4 confessionals and a basement were you find buried persons. Also, it is a big and modern construction made of bricks with a rectangular shape and a wooden stick’s roof. All kind of people, in majority grown ups, go to the masses. There are 3 masses in the morning and 3 in the evening and they are not so long. The priest is called Daniel Ferreira but there are also other priests. Some nuns are in charged of maintaining it clean, organized and decorated.

Church's Neighborhood (Contador)
Church's Roof
Last Sunday, August 28, when I visited the church, some people were there burying a man, so I couldn't enter to the church, but I asked some people there how was the church.
 Usually, the people make donations to the church for the poor people and for the people that work in the church. 
San Juan de Avila's Church

Church's Principal Door

Santa Bárbara de Usaquén’s Church
Santa Bárbara de Usaquén’s Church is a historical church of Bogotá located in the “Parque de Usaquén”. It has more than 100 years but is well maintained, clean and comfortable. It has a capacity for more than 400 people. A lot of tourists come here to visit this historical church. The church has a rectangular shape. The floor of the church is made of bricks and the roof is made of big wooden sticks. People from all ages come to church’s masses. The duration of the masses is 45 minutes.
The location of this church, the “Parque de Usaquén”, is located in Usaquén and  is an historical place in Bogotá. Many people go there to be with friends and with family to psaa the time. Many restaurants are near the park so is also a turistic place of Bogotá. Many of the people like the tranquility of Usaquén in the mornings, so they like to go to the church.
Usaquén´s Church
Chuch's Tower

"Parque de Usaquén"
Church's Door

 I visited it, I saw how the church was and also I took some photos. I asked my grandmother how was the church like and she told me some information.

By: Sebastián Tibocha

"Jardin Botanico" By Jose Mesa

-Working on: Monument's History
-Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden

The " Jardin Botanico " is located near Salitre. From Mondays to Fridays it is since 8am to5pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays is open froto 9am-5pm. The price for enter is 2,700 Pesos.This place is for learn about the plants and habitats around Colombia.

The "Jardin Botanico" has a "Mariposario" which shows different species of butterflyes in Colombia, for example the "falsa monarca" and the "tigre" the butterflies are in a litle hot room and you had to enter to that room to interact with the butterflies..
Also this place shows different habitats of Colombia like the one of the Amazonas, the deserts, or also the one of the jungle and in those habitats the people explain the diferent plants you can find..

In the park you can find around some gardens that shows little forests like the one of "niebla and trepadoras"

And this beautiful place aslo have some places were you can relax.