28 ago 2011

Churches By Sebastián Tibocha

Sebastian Tibocha:
-Working on: Churches
-Bogotá's History
-Oral Tradition Places
San Juan de Avila’s Church

San Juan de Avila’s Church is a church of Bogotá located in Contador neighborhood. The church have 32 big chairs, 16 in each side, 4 confessionals and a basement were you find buried persons. Also, it is a big and modern construction made of bricks with a rectangular shape and a wooden stick’s roof. All kind of people, in majority grown ups, go to the masses. There are 3 masses in the morning and 3 in the evening and they are not so long. The priest is called Daniel Ferreira but there are also other priests. Some nuns are in charged of maintaining it clean, organized and decorated.

Church's Neighborhood (Contador)
Church's Roof
Last Sunday, August 28, when I visited the church, some people were there burying a man, so I couldn't enter to the church, but I asked some people there how was the church.
 Usually, the people make donations to the church for the poor people and for the people that work in the church. 
San Juan de Avila's Church

Church's Principal Door

Santa Bárbara de Usaquén’s Church
Santa Bárbara de Usaquén’s Church is a historical church of Bogotá located in the “Parque de Usaquén”. It has more than 100 years but is well maintained, clean and comfortable. It has a capacity for more than 400 people. A lot of tourists come here to visit this historical church. The church has a rectangular shape. The floor of the church is made of bricks and the roof is made of big wooden sticks. People from all ages come to church’s masses. The duration of the masses is 45 minutes.
The location of this church, the “Parque de Usaquén”, is located in Usaquén and  is an historical place in Bogotá. Many people go there to be with friends and with family to psaa the time. Many restaurants are near the park so is also a turistic place of Bogotá. Many of the people like the tranquility of Usaquén in the mornings, so they like to go to the church.
Usaquén´s Church
Chuch's Tower

"Parque de Usaquén"
Church's Door

 I visited it, I saw how the church was and also I took some photos. I asked my grandmother how was the church like and she told me some information.

By: Sebastián Tibocha

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