28 ago 2011

Cinemas by Mario López

Mario López
-Restaurant             -Thematic Parks        -Libraries
-Cinemas                -Museums
-Working on: Library

Mario López
Cinemas: (Cinecolombia)
Cinecolombia is a company established in 1927 in Medellin. In 1928, one year later, the company expands to other cities of the country. The company participated in different events as short films, newsreel, and it started the “revista cineco”.
General Information
Santafe is located in "cll 185 no 45-03"
Today the company is very well known in Colombia, it works in 10 cities, with a total of 36 “multiplex” each with about 10 cinemas (rooms were a movie is played). Now you can use a “tarjeta cineco” that works as a debit card, in which you pay in advance, and you can spend the money later for food or for movie tickets. The last technology of movie playing is 3D, and plenty of movies in Cinecolombia are now projected in 3D.
In Multiplex Santafe, there are 10 cinemas.

The credit card can be recharged from $30.000 pesos to $200.000
Every time you pay for a ticket, you get some points, so you can later use them to get food or a ticket.
These are some movies that are going to be presented.

Cinecolombia has a web page (wwwcinecolombia.com)were you can buy tickets for a movie and also you can know the price of the “combos”(type of food you can choose) and the schedule of a movie. Cinecolombia works 8days a week and even holydays. In weekends it works from 11:00am to 10:30pm and weekdays from 1:00pm to 10:30pm.

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